Starting from:


Butterfly Immersion--TRANSFORM INTO YOUR DREAM --It's like changing your DNA

The promises are like getting butterfly DNA to become a completely new creation of the beauty that we dream of being. However, like Ephesians 3:20 says, it is God’s power working through us (through our faith) that will cause Him to do super abundantly above and beyond all we can hope, dream, or think. 

That is a powerful promise. The word “superabundant” means overly abundant. Abundant in itself means “more than enough” and “abounding”. 

That is a HUGE promise. God promises to give us super abundantly more than we can dream! He also promises that all things will be possible to those who have faith. 

Faith is an action. It is how we think, how we imagine things, how we feel, how we perceive, how we believe. It is always moving. 

This Butterfly Activation will help you transform into the dream vision that you long to see! 


Use often and enjoy the new you that emerges! 🦋